Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 10: Itchy Business

Whew, I promise my ambition for this blog is not to complain all the time. However, right now I am detoxing and I am finding it hard to talk about the pros of going gluten-free. I know there will be tons of benefits in the end, but the first couple weeks are the hardest. I think it's worse for me this time because I have been ultra-ubber picky with everything. I have made sure that absolutely not even a morsel of gluten has found its way into my stomach. I have made almost all our meals from scratch, and what wasn't made from scratch, the ingredients have been carefully examined. *A little confession: Previous times that I cut out gluten, I held on tight to my beloved ranch dressing (I was too afraid to read the label). Essentially, I was still fulfilling my body with small amounts of gluten. I have quickly learned that no matter the portion of gluten, it hurts me. Badly.

As I reported earlier in the week, things are mostly good but I was experiencing some skin crawling itchiness. That is still happening, only worse. For the last couple of days I didn't want to be physically touched by anyone. This is confusing to me because I am cuddle-monster. I love physical touch, giving and receiving hugs etc...Bottom line, it is not like me to not want to show affection in a physical way.

I have researched what detoxing looks like for lots of people, and to be honest, it's not too much different to how I feel when I eat gluten. I felt so uncomfortable yesterday that I was beginning to think some gluten somehow found its way into my dinner (which would have really surprised me!). So, I am ready for this emotional and physical roller coaster to end. On the other hand, it's been powerful to witness the healing power of the body. Not only do I feel the internal changes, but I am seeing physical changes.Yeah, I may have some red dry patches of skin, pimples, and itchiness, but I am glad that something is happening and my body is doing whatever it can to kick gluten out!

In the mean time, I think I need a good gf lotion. Any ideas?


  1. I know it's really common for gluten to be in non-food products such as soaps, shampoo, lotion, etc. Have you thought about looking at your beauty products to see if that might be contributing to the itches?

  2. Have you looked at the Pangea Organics products, made in Boulder?
