Sunday, October 9, 2011

1 month

I am happy to report I have not had an ounce of gluten for 1 month. I have never made it this far and I am certainly proud. I am still experiencing some of the symptoms including the cravings, but overall, I feel so good.

Another process of detoxing is unfolding. However, this is more of a mental detox. A couple weeks ago I read an article about the physical damage stress has on the body. I am currently taking a break from being a therapist so I really do not have much stress on my shoulders. I gain my income from being a nanny for several different families and I love it. The article really had me thinking about faulty or unhealthy relationships in our lives (you know, the ones we put an exorbitant amount of effort into and receive nothing in return) are a source of stress. How appropriate would it be for me to rid those stress producing non-reciprocated relationships in my life? Very appropriate. My objective throughout this entire process is to embrace a healthier lifestyle.  Sometimes we have to release the unhealthy relationships (no matter how hard it may be) around us. From now on I am replacing stressful relationships by surrounding myself with wonderful, meaningful, and authentic relationships full of love and laughter. The truth is, this process wasn't hard once I realized what I wanted and I am truly blessed to have such amazing relationships all around me. So far, just like the gluten detox, there are periods of grief and some cravings, and  the impulse to try and 'fix' the relationship are there. In order to rid stress and embrace a healthier self, I cannot be the 'fixer' anymore. It was a revelation to accept this and I encourage others to explore this concept as well.

Others who have become gluten-free or who are detoxifying from other food allergies know the power of transformation. Once you begin to feel better, you want to change something else to increase the goodness. Taking a step further and eliminating stressful relationships (especially the ones taking an emotional and physical toll on the body) was another way for me to embrace the new me. I am curious about other strategies people use to handle major sources of stress; especially, during the detox process. What do you do in times of stress? What is your vice? Whatever it may be, I hope you find yourself in a healthier state of mind once you let it go.

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